
HOW TO: Save money to vacation

People are different, and all of us to work the way that suits us best.

In fact, I often found that saving money or money budgeting makes me effective. Once I figure out how to make more money or how I can save for example the next summer vacation and I success in it, I start to feel great in all the areas of that days tasks.

These tips may not work for you, but I wanted to share how I do it. I am writing this on the form as I do these when I try to save for a rainy day  or for a holiday trip. Wealthy person is a happy person.

1. Make yourself a piggy bank

Yes. If possible, locked one. The following tips are all those who assist it to fulfill the piggybank. Try to think that these money aren't even yours, and that for they should not be touched. Do not count the money. If you know how much you have money in your piggy bank, you easily start to think about all the things it would do (and would take them out before it's time to.).

Our "pig" is a Pringles jar, which I covered with various cut words and phrases from magazines. It is our vacation piggy bank, which is in the deepest corner of the cabinet, which may be touched only when fed with money or when we're about to leave to a (planned!) Journey.

2. Sell off any excess stuff

All that stuff which you really don't need any more, sell it out. Facebook is full with groups where you can sell your stuff with out paying table fees or anything.

In fact I do it this way: If I haven't needed it for one year, I probably won't need it next year either. I regurally go throught our cabinets for a clean up just to find those things. Not everyone of them at the same time, but like 1 cabinet in 1 month.

If you don't own something very valuable collector's items or furniture that you want to get rid of, you probably won't do that much of money. But! The point is to put all these money to that piggy bank for later time.

When selling goods, remember to keep prices reasonable. Although if it is a situation that you need acutely money, then do not overprice. Then easily no one will buy, and you do not get benefits you need.

I could continue to talk about selling goods for like, forever, but perhaps I will leave it to another time. ;)

3. Compare prices

Every town usually has a number of shops that offer the same (or nearly the same), a service or product, but prices differ enormously.

Our town has 6 different food stores, and this is a relatively small place so there's places to choose. Some of these also have their own bonuscards which you should ask about if you benefit from them (and how much).

We usually use two grocery stores that are really close to each other. It is because they are the cheapest on the basis of what we have compared. So...

Let's say that you have been used to buy all your groceries from shop A. Write down (or take the last time a receipt) and go into shop B. From shop B buy all the products which you can get with a cheaper price. Calculate how much saved. Put the money you piggy bank.

Do the same the other way around.

Clothes Shopping. You have budgeted for your outfit, let's say, $ 20, because you've seen one you like already in a particular store. Visit first in other stores, also from second-hand stores. Search the web. Use all possible ways. Also look to your own wardrobe.

If you find a cheaper outfit, do the math for money in between and put that to piggy bank.

Does that sound crazy? Think it this way; normally you already had been used that money, right? So, you don't loose anything as you put it into savings.

4. Save every day

Would you be able to put 0,10$ on each hours work to saving account? Of course you could. Man makes an average of 8 hours of work per day. Every hour 0,10 $ for five days means 4$. Not very much, does it? But .. It is already 16$ per month and 192$ per year.

How this is easy to accomplish? Put your little money to piglet every day or every day 0.80$, or once a week for 4 $. How ever you want. You save in any case, in this way, at least 192 $. And if your piggy bank is a bank account the money also is rising interest.

5. Be a coupon-man

Search the web services that reward that you buy online. There is many of them, I use the kind that operates in Finland, but all over the world can be found companies that are offering these kinf of services.

By using such a sites for the products you have purchased online, you get part of the money back.

This money will be in your user account, and after a certain amount  you can get them to your own bank account.

I put these money straight to my savings account. I've already saved this money and don't need them so why would I spend it now to something stupid?

6. Take advantage of all benefits cards

It may seem silly that there is a hundred million unique advantage cards in your wallet, but at that point when it will save you a lot of money then you're all smile. ;)

These same tips can also take advantage of the poor financial situation otherwise. So do not put the money to a savings account put use them to your daily bases.

But at that point you might want to think about that, whether it would be time to change something else from your life when the days are constantly counting pennys and eating fingers?

ATTENTION: As I don't want to put these on a book, because I think that everyone should be able to read tips how to improve their lives or how to be more positive ect.. I use a lot of time to write these, and if you think you have been getting help from these, you can give me a little thank you. You can use that "donate" button to do it so I can keep on writing these posts.


Easy money, where are you?

OK this doesn't totally go for my blog, but I have this huge bumb inside me, that I have to talk about.

There is no such thing as easy money. I'm sorry, but there isn't.

Don't go for these hoaxes. Everytime someone says "Just started 2 days ago and already doing 5000$ a week!" IT'S A HOAX.

Usually you click on that link that someone
- send to you
- tweeted on Twitter
- posted to Facebook
- You found on someones website

I admit, I have clicked these too! I wouldn't be writining this now if I hadn't.

Ok all of them are not hoax, but you still won't do those millions in one month. Usually you have to buy something to read or watch (oh, what a coincidence) or "pay us 20$ and you will get it back eventually."

See they already have told you this isn't something you should go by, but most of us don't see them just because they are only thinking all of that money they will get.

Ever read that little print on site? Just in the bottom? "There's numbers are just an example. We can't guarantee that you will get this money also."

So, if you are motivated to do some work and get some money ect, you really should go to speak someone
- who works with a real company
- has real workers who you can see face to face
- doesn't force you to buy anything
- helps you to do that job and get along
- there's real products, not just air

And don't fall for a pyramide scheme! If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Today one person contacted me to work with him.
"So you just give me 15$ money, and then I'll help you recuit 4 people and they give 15$ also and then you will get your money back. You don't have to sell anything."

.. So I just give you my money, and my friends gives their money too, and then we'll all be rich? 

This kind of makes me angry too, because there is a lot of good social network businesses and world wide too! And these people who don't really do anything but take your money pollutes it all.


If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.


Applying for a job

You know the feeling when you're about get in to that car.. Try to find that place.. About to walk in to that elevator.. Push that button to get to that floor.. Where you will meet.. Your future boss.

A jobinterview! Yes!

I know it's tough. You have to think every possible scenario beforehand to co-up with yourself and to hold it together.
You have Googled paytable for that job you are applying to see somewhat you should say when they ask "so, what's your option to salary?"
Your legs are shaking..

Read this.

Calm down.
They have chosen you from along many appliers, among over 100 or 1000 .. And you're still there! They like you for some reason, never forget that!

Be yourself.
It's good to know something about the job your applying for, but don't sound like a robot who has memorized their all website and history.

They know that you are nervous and 'afraid', we've all been in that position at least ones. If you don't think about it too much, then you won't show it outside.

Be proud.
You probably have done some schools and jobs before. Be proud of them, every single one of them has taught you a lesson.


Stand up straight, smile like you have never smiled, act like you would like them to act to you, BE POSITIVE, don't over think and really, remember..

They have already chosen you! Don't ever give up!

And if for some odd reason they don't hire you, think as it was not for you. Theres some better oppertunity for you. Keep your head up!


Seeing old friend

Have you seen that old pics -challenge in Facebook? That one where you should dig out some pictures from 15 years back.

I'm not saying you should do it (I didn't actually), but I would strongly suggest you to find those old pictures just to watch and see.

I do this about once a year, I just look at old photos where I  am with friends and family. Those are just heartwarming!

But there's another catch. How many of those people you don't see anymore? You used to be besties, and now you haven't seen in like ten years?

Maybe it would be a good time to give your friend a call just to ask how is he/she doing?
If you don't have a phone number, you probably can find it from call service, or try to find that friend from Facebook/Twitter.. I'm pretty sure you could find that person somehow.

Just hearing an old friends voice is a great thing but if you actually can manage to see each other.. Wow! That would be just great, wouldn't it?

What you got to lose? You can see a long term friend, find out how he/she is, you get to socialize yourself and talk to someone who probably is really interested to hear how are you doing.
You'll be surprised to hear how much good you have in your life when you talk about them aloud.
And when you talk about them - someone is really interested and hopes good for you, you'll get a new boost to do what you love.

Like me, when I'm writing. There is moments when this feels more of work than a hobby, but when new people see my blog and my writings, or I talk about them to my old friends, they are thrilled about this and tells me that I do a wonderful job. And I get a new boost to write more and more and more.

Today, as I post this, it's saturday. You probably have plenty of time to take that call.
There's no downside. Just do it.


TOP 5 things to do to get into better mood

So most of my writings lately has been a bit dark shaded so lets do something brighter today!

There is no ultimate right thing to do, but these work great for me! And if these doesn't work for you maybe you will find out what's your "better day"-motivators!

1. Watch your favorite show at least 3 episodes

Yes, I really mean this. My favorite one is The Simpons, I can't watch it without laughing out loud - and what's better way to get to better mood than laughing?! :) Three episodes because one is not enough, two makes you want more and when you start third one you can promise to yourself "this is the last one" . ;)

2. Change your sofas place

Or re-organize those books. Or go trought your wardrope. Just change something you see daily, it really cheers you up a little!

3. Call your bestfriend

..And talk about something stupid. Something dorky and idiot that you've done some day.

4. Take a nap

Feeling crancy? Sleep for a while.

5. Eat something really good

I mean ... REALLY good. When I feel like this, I usually pick up a donut and special coffee (cappuchino .. mmm...).

So this is my top 5 about getting to a better mood! Oh, and one extra. SMILE. Look in the mirror and SMILE.
You are special.
You are worth it.

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Alcohol is one devil

Going with the theme with last post.. Healthy. But this time it's alcohol.

YEEEP, the easiest way to try to forget all of those nasty things in your day (or week), go have some fun with friends and drink a lot of booze.
And if you're really in to it deep, you don't even need your friends, you'll just stay home - alone - and think about your miserable life and everyone who "really really hates you".

Then at the certain point you just take your phone, call them all f**krs, tell them how much you hate them because "I'm so sure you hate me too". Text your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend and beg her/him take you back.

So.. How did it go?

The very next day when you wake up from your couch, you can't just stop thinking about all those phone calls and text messages you did. You moralize yourself to be the bad person in your life, and you don't have a meaning. Sounds familiar? Or if not, do you know someone who is like this?

Here's something to read for both of you.

 The person who does this, is usually somewhat depressed or really stressed out from work/relationship/something in his/hers life. That person really don't see those good things in life, even if he/she wants to.

There's always something in other persons life, that you can't know about. Respect it. (Tweet it) 

 That person also don't necessary notice his/hers acting and for that reason acts like an .. well, you know.

When reading this, if you can identify yourself, maybe you should stop for a while, just take some deep breaths and consider changing your way of life.

Because, alcohol really isn't the answer to your problems. More like probably making some new ones on the way.
When drinking even one beer, your body goes in to certain kind of mode, and just a one night sleep doesn't really fix it. It takes couple of nights to get your body back to normal mode after just one beer.
Don't believe me? Try it. Be sober for a week, and then tell me are you..
..thinking more of what ever you are doing
..smiling more
..waking up easier
..more productive than earlier
..less anxious about things you normally would have been really stressed out

I can tell this, because I've been there the worst way. I'm not saying I have totally left alcohol out of my life, but I have decreased it a lot because I saw what it did to me.
I'm not as much tired as I used to be, I have more power to do my work and I feel healthier. And if you feel healthier, it totally helps you to be more positive in life. And think about those positive things and do all those lists and act more kind to people - and TO YOURSELF.
One of the best things I noticed, was that I was "losing" all those friends who wasted their life only to party and drink. We're adulds, so I personally think that we should be able to see our friends without some kind of excuse, just to say hi. But, as I was losing those who didn't want to see me without drinking, I was getting new friends who appreciated my new lifestyle. And I'm so much happier now.

Are you the friend who gets those calls? What ever you do, don't remind that broken person about those calls or texts. It only takes him/her deeper in mud because he/she is already hating himself about those, and your not helping when bringing those back to table.
What you can do, you can be a friend. Call or text for some other reason. Ask to go out for a movie, cup of coffee, to shopping.. Anything that could cheer up your friends mind.
On weekends, ask your friend to come to eat or do something fun without alcohol.
The first couple of months at least, don't talk about the alcohol issue. Because probably your friend is going to go on denial, and never answer your phone calls again and he/she is back in mud.. I know this sounds hard friendship, but trust me, that person will thank you for saving his/hers life.

Your friends isn't an a-hole on purpose. He/She doesn't just see the better life yet. Show it to him/her.

So this came out a bit long post, and I just wrote from my heart but I hope that I reached even one person with this.
If you have a problem, it's time to change.
If you have a friend with an issue, help him.

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Eat healthier

Most of the things that we choose to do daily effects how we feel and how we interact, how we do our jobs.. But there's more in that.

So you're getting more positive on the inside, but. Are you still tired? Do you still feel like you don't get to be the person you want to be? Rolling in bed by nights?

There might be another reason than you being negative. And that's your eating habits.

Eating healthier and regularly really helps you to be more perky and gives you a boost to carry on in work and other life situations.

Here's my advice. For a week, look what you eat and how regularly. Do you skip breakfast? Or lunch?
Remember to eat, but not healthy enough? Because I can tell you, pizza ain't great lunch.. It's tasty, but not good for your health. ;)

My breakfast is usually oatmeal or smoothie or fruits.. or all of them! Depends on day.
Besides that eating healthy, do you take any extra vitamins or omega 3 ? Usually (especially during winter) human needs more C and Omega than they get from their food. Did you know, that almost only thing where you get Omega 3 is in fish? And how much you should eat fish to get enough... That's so much that you couldn't do that, trust me.

But changing even some little things in your daily eating you should get some results. And what's even better, it helps maintain normal weight so if you have some kind of problems with weight (too much too less), good healthy food will help you to get in better weight.

But as for recepies, I'm writing a book about them so you can see them later!

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How to motivate yourself to work

We all know that feeling on Monday morning when
  • last nights staying up was REALLY bad idea..
  • and I totally should have not watch that horror movie..
  • why that alarm clock sounds so loud?
  • why didn't I look up for those clothes early enough?
ect. I could do this list as long as I would want to but that's not the point here. Everyone of us has those mornings when everything just feels bad, and going to work is really frustrating.

First of all, you should prevent that with couple of things.

  1. Load your coffee machine before hand (last night) to win some time in the morning and to get some more time to wake up without doing anything (and this one really gives me a good mood when I don't remember that yes I really did load that coffee machine!)
  2. Make sure that those clothes your suppose to wear are clean, ironed and fresh so you don't have to waist time in the morning to try to find clean clothes.
  3. If you're like me and "don't have time" to eat breakfast in the morning (or you get sick of eating in the morning), slice some orange to your fridge last night. It's fresh and good, and you don't have to do anything than just eat in the morning.

With these simple things done, your morning will already be better.
But what if I still have a bad morning? 

It's ok. It's normal to have bad days. This is what I do at those days.

  • As I've told before, be thankful. So, when you wake up a little cranky, think about at least 5 things you are thankful for.
  • Smile. Stand before mirror and just smile. Sounds stupid, but it works. Trust me.
  • When you get yourself smiling, say "I can do it!". Say it out loud. REALLY LOUD. Yell it! YES! YOU. CAN. DO. IT.
  •  Listen to good mood music, at least on your way to work. Sing along. LOUDLY. ;)
  •  Think about those reasons why you do what you do. Why you love your job? What does it give to you? (if it really doesn't give to you anything, I recommend to change your job but DON'T do it as a random act, think about it all the way trough and have a backup plan.)
 Is there a hard project in your work? THERE IS A REASON, WHY THEY GAVE IT TO YOU. They trust you to handle it. They think that you have the knowledge to do it. They KNOW you can do it, so do it!

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5 things to be grateful -challenge

Here Are The Rules:
  • You have 72 hours to accept the challenge when you are nominated.
  • Write or say 5 things you are grateful for on any social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blog, or anywhere)
  • Display a picture of gratitude. Any picture of something simple that makes (or made) you smile.
  • Nominate 5 other people in your circle, but make sure to let them know immediately.

I took this from diyjahn.com  , just because I feel like these kind of things belongs to this blog. And this is suppose to be a little sneak a peek to what kind of thing you can be grateful. Yours can be really different from this one but it doesn't matter. What matters, is that you think of it.

So. Here it goes.

1. Husband.

This is something that I still can't understand; I found a yin to my yang, a person who REALLY loves me as I am. Even at my worst, like this weekend... I was too lazy to do even something to eat, and he did food for me.
Which takes me to...

2. Odd Finnish food.

I would never survive without Finnish salty liquorice or rye bread. (And I love those faces when someone who doesn't know what these are, tries them out.)

3. My lovely home

I have a roof over my head, it's warm inside, I have running water and no one has shut down our electricity. And actually, it's kind of pretty too.

4. Snow during winter

Ok, not yet, because as I told it has been way too long fall this year, but still I can't wait to see those first little snowflakes falling down to ground..

5. My best friends

The best of the best in category of my friends .. It's way too long distance between us. And it makes me cry sometimes, but when I see them, it's like heaven down on earth. And just having a little time with them takes me trough a lot of bad times and gives me strength. And actually I'm smiling right now, just thinking these loved ones of mine. YOU'RE THE BEST.


Be the one

So I'm a huge fan of The Simpsons. I mean a HUGE fan, I can't survive a day without even one The Simpsons episode.
Theres plenty of reasons why I love it, and one of them is the educational side. You can think what you want but really often there is a good message in episode.

Today I'm gonna talk about one particular episode where Bart and Lisa is going to military school (The secret war of Lisa Simpson).

So why this episode? Lisa want's to do something thats not normal in their world (keep in mind it's old episode), and even the principal of that school is a little against it ("Let me make this clear.. You're a girl?").
But still, she goes there and tries her best.

Even Bart turns his back for her for a while.. But here's the good side. The side that I wanted you to think. He came back for her, helped her and when he realized Lisa is really needing a good helping friend (brother), he stands up for her and encourages her to go thru that last task of theirs - the Eliminator.

In our own lives this "Eliminator" could be anything. Some job relied project, losing weight, quitting smoking.. Anything. And we need at least one person who can stand beside us.

Today as I watched that episode of The Simpsons, I thought that it looks like most of ours lives. Theres plenty of those people who will always be yelling "YOU'RE GONNA FAIL!" and just one or two who will be beside you. You just need to see them from the crowd.

And if you're that person, who sees someone who really needs some encourage, DO IT. Help that person to stand to his/hers own feet, and make that person feel LOVED. Good things happen to good people. Good things happen to good people, tweet it.

If you're the one who needs a friend, take a deep breath, think about those moments in past couple of months/days/years. Who has always been there, even if you didn't see it at the moment? Trust me, there's always someone who is beside you, even if you don't belive it.


Oh, and in case you haven't seen that particular episode or want to see a little sneek a peek to Lisas war, here's a clip.


You can do it!

Sometimes there's just days that you can't get yourself up. You just lie in your bed thinking, that everything you have done is wrong and you are worthless.

No you're not.

Whatever it is what you're suppose to do, just DO it. Just get up on your feet, and start doing!

There's no one else in this world that could do them for you, so just do them yourself! If you don't know where to start, make a list.

Make a list about those tasks that you need to do to get to your goal. What is those steps to do to get to the grand price? Maybe it's calling to that long term friend, maybe it's starting running.. Whatever those things are, write them down.

Put the list somewhere where you can see it every day. In fridge door, toilet mirror, bedroom .. You name it.

Then just start doing. What is the first thing to do? Do it. Reward yourself for doing it. Because your AWESOME for doing something that you are not used to do!

Then do the second thing. And third. If you can't do these things in one day, it's ok. Some things just need more time, but if those tasks are easy (like cleaning the whole house), it's better to do them right now.

You CAN do it! You CAN manage your life, you CAN reach your goals, you CAN BE THE BEST. (tweet it!)

Now start doing!


How to get a positive morning routine

So, I live in Finland. Most of you guys probably know how is winter time in here (if you don't know, Google it).

It's so dark, cold and windy. And if fall is longer than normal (like this year) we don't even get snow to brighten our day. And that's the reason it's easy to get depressed, get some sick days from work and cry your eyes out aaaaaaaand the circle is done.

This in mind I have improved my daily routines to next level.

 Couple of these thing I have written earlier, but as I usually say, repetition is the mother of learning.

 First of all at the morning when I wake up I smile and tell to myself "This is going to be a great day!" . If I wake up before alarm, I think "Wow I got this much time more to do my morning routines" or if I oversleep a little I think "Well at least I got some sleep so I don't feel so tired."

Then when I have my first cup of coffee in my hands, I think of 5 things which I can be thankful for. It doesn't matter if you don't get five at first time (because you're probably a little unmotivated at the moment) but it's pretty great feeling when you realize that you can think of MORE than five! And that's progress let me tell you that! :)

And after some time (could be months, it depends on what's your starting point) you don't even have to think about thinking those things because you do it subconscious every morning.

You should start with this and when this starts to feel normal to you, you can start doing some other exercises too (which I will tell you later).

Because if you start your day positive, it usually will be positive till next morning.

So, starting from tomorrow. First thing in the morning, think positive, and be thankful for 5 things in your life.


What makes you negative?

When you're trying to make your life more positive, try to think about those things that makes it negative.

So for example, there's a friend you see weekly or read his/hers posts on Facebook, chat with him/her and every time he/she gets you upset. No matter what you try to say, everything is a "No." for him/her and he/she always finds a way to say something negative.
These guys usually are those friends of Facebook etc who only post negative comments on anyones status.
Ditch them. Or if you can't/won't totally throw them away from your life, at least hide them from your feed. Stop calling them, they usually get the point.

You really don't need those guys in your life! If they have nothing nice ever say to you, don't be with them! And usually these same guys are the ones who only call you when they need something, do you really want to be that guy who always gets called when money/favor are needed?

And, this really culminates to this.. BE POSITIVE. Why? Let me show you thru a picture.

So. Let's begin with that negative attitude of yours in upper left corner. You are negative, you attract negative people. And a human being is going to be just like his surrounding people are..
Try to be that positive person without changing anything else. Don't change your friends or anything, just be positive. Pretty tough, hu? Yes, I know. I tried.
The truth is, that if everyone who is surrounding you, is negative, you will be too. You can't escape it, if you won't change anything. 

BUT. When you are surrounded with positive people, you can be positive and you will encourage others on what they do! Well isn't that nice? Again; positive things happen to positive people. And thats straight way up.

Didn't yet delete that really negative person from Facebook? Do it now. Start your new positive life, step by step. Not sure about some of the people? Just hide them from your news feed.

It's kind of a small step, but it's something. If you dare, you can 'delete' some of those negative persons from your normal life too, like deleting numbers or just decide "I'm not going to call him/her, until he/she changes his/her attitude."

Simply clever! I can admit, that within first weeks I didn't delete anyones number. I just deleted couple of "who's this?" guys from Facebook and hid those negative persons.

It didn't take more than one day that I felt huge relief because I didn't need to look at those "boohoo my life sucks" statuses! I really, really, really recommend this for all of you.

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Motivating videos

There's a lot of ways to motivate yourself (including this blog), and I like to use all of them as a piece of my own path to success.

One of them is YouTube. Yes, I open YouTube and look for motivation videos, empowering people, great leaders... You name it!

And you don't even need to watch those videos. You can just push play button, hit those boomboxen loud and start doing something you would normally do. Like I listen to these as I do my makeup.

Here is one of my favorite video. Please watch it, and if you like my blog, subcribe it and add yourself as a follower to see my posts first when they are puplished. :)


That big dream

As I started to do those little thing what I mentioned on my earlier post I began to feel more positive and more focused on aiming my life to a certain path.

What's your big dream? Think about it for a while.

What have you done to get to that dream of yours?

What should you do to get to that dream of yours?

Your dream can be small or big - we all have both of them. But for now, pick up that one witch you think you can have in next 6 months.

Write it down on a piece of paper, and put that paper somewhere where you see it every day (wallet etc.). Now every time you see it, you will selfconstantly start to think about that aim of yours, and what's best, you start to act like you already have it and/or will get it.

See my point here?

Write your dreams down, so you can visualize it and start doing things to get it.

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4 points you should know to be a positive person

So now you know something about me and my past. I know you're probably wondering "wheres the tips?"

Don't worry, I'll give them to you one by one. OR as a list (like now.)

So when I was struggling with my life and was trying to think some ways to help my husband (and me on the side) to be better persons, I started to read.

1. Read a lot

I went to these conventions and happenings where every successful person kept saying "Readers are leaders." So, I started to read. A lot.

First it doesn't matter what you read, it's more of the idea of reading. Well of course if you just read Cosmopolitan or Donald Duck or something like that it won't help you but if you concentrate to some good novelty or what's even better, for life changing books, I bet you feel better.
Me for example, I find Stephen Kings books good to read. They are fiction, but they're wrote in good way and I need to use my brains as I read. (So thanks, Stephen!)

2. Think positive

If you are a negative person, negative things will happen to you. That's just a thing that no one can deny. And if you think you can.. Maybe it's time for you to change your point of view?

So in the morning when I wake up, my first thought is "This day will be awesome!" It usually is.

  3. Take time to yourself

I usually take 1 hour in the morning for my self to think what should I do next. Do this as you think it would be easiest for you. It can be a wakeup 1 hour earlier than normally so your family is still a sleep. I usually do some lists about "tasks for today" or "what things should change".
PS. I will do a post about these things separately.

4. Enjoy those little things

Yes, I know it's a cliché, BUT.. Think it this way; "Oh what a horrible morning, I overslept like ten minutes and now I can't brew coffee at home and now I need to go to ** to eat my breakfast..." OR "So ok, I overslept today for 10minutes and YES , it's time for my FAVORITE latte for that cute little cafeteria! Ohh and maybe a bagel.."

Which one is you ? Which one you prefer?

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Be Positive

So first of all, I should probably tell something about me so you can see what kind of person is writing here.

I'm from Finland. Yes, that cold cold place where everyone is kind of grumpy and doesn't want to talk about anything else than "How's weather?". So it's pretty hard try to try to get someone on a good mood if she/he doesn't want to talk to you about anything.

You know the thrill where neighbors know "everything" about you, you know "everything" about them just by looking as how they live (via window of course). But, when you ask them directly.. Hah, I know. And this isn't really positive, right?

So I moved to other city couples of years ago along with my fiance. We're talking about a lot of miles between my current living spot and my hometown so I was a bit scared. At that point I still was very positive about getting new friends and getting a new beginning in this new town.. So I started to look for job in this new place and got one. Yeah!

But what did my friends do when I told them? Almost all said "This will never work" "I'll give that a year and then she's back" "Why would anyone be that stupid?" "Well good luck for you trying to survive there..."

Like WHAT? Well needless to say, I wasn't really positive after that. I was actually very depressed to move, as I did not have any friends here and all my hometown friends were like that.

So those couple of years went, I got some friends from here but mostly all of them turned their back on me. You know that moment, when you meet someone and you're both like "oh I hate this city I have no friends let's be friends!" and after a while you realize the reason he/she didn't have friends was because he/she is a moron, and nobody warned you before hands. Yeaaap, and multiply that like thousand times and you have my life story. People even tried to get me and my husband not to get married!

So I was a blanket. That person who always was there to loan money, help out ect.. But just because I  was craving for attention clearly by the wrong way.

So I got really depressed. I stayed only in home. Nothing more. I didn't want to get out of that door. My husbands work obligates him to be a lot away from home, so instead of going to market to get some food, I just tried to survive with some leftovers and macaronis from cabinets. Obviously, this isn't a way of life.

Well couple of years went like that and then this sense came back to my head. I need to do something.
Remember earlier as I told my long term friend called me?
He lives in my home town. Well as I had that thinking stick to my head, that I don't need anyone from my before life, it isn't too hard to realize why I didn't want to work with him or why didn't I believe in myself.

But this is true, he was mine - ours - turning point.

Well I didn't start to work with him - yet - but my husband did. And as they started to do business and I stood by my husband (of course) I realized how sad this person felt. This person who I love with all my heart, with my own depression I didn't realize he's so deep in it.

So the turning point? Yes, positive people. But also, I wanted to help my husband. I wanted him to success on what ever he's going to do. And if I'm negative, he will be negative, and it won't work.

So, lesson today;



I know how hard it is to stick to being motivated, as I had some setbacks in my life too.

So lately I have been thinking that what should I do to be happier, to be successful, to provide good future to my family.

As I had been really thinking this for a long time, I mean for a REALLY long time.. It was about a time to something really happen. So what happened that made me think this?

I met my long term friend for a cup of coffee. He offered me a job, but I didn't take it. I needed it, but I didn't take it. Why? Because I was so negative by the time. I only thought, that I will never success or I will lose my money, time, husband.. Time wasn't right for me to do business with this guy.

Well, time passed and we didn't really connect. But one day he called again to ask me and my husband to meet him. So we went and he cooked some nice food for us (Spaghetti Bolognese btw, and it was GOOD.) and we talked about real things in life. Not about money, not about how unhealthy we feel.. Just some positive, nice things that has happened in our lives.

That was the turning point of my life.

I realized, that to be positive, I need to see positive people. I can't co-up with my life if the only people beside me is negative!

There started my journey to be a better, positive person, and that's the reason I started to write this blog.

This is one of my ways to help others to do the same.

I hope you will start to follow my roads to success and learn something yourself too. So please click subscribe and feel free to share this. :)