
Alcohol is one devil

Going with the theme with last post.. Healthy. But this time it's alcohol.

YEEEP, the easiest way to try to forget all of those nasty things in your day (or week), go have some fun with friends and drink a lot of booze.
And if you're really in to it deep, you don't even need your friends, you'll just stay home - alone - and think about your miserable life and everyone who "really really hates you".

Then at the certain point you just take your phone, call them all f**krs, tell them how much you hate them because "I'm so sure you hate me too". Text your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend and beg her/him take you back.

So.. How did it go?

The very next day when you wake up from your couch, you can't just stop thinking about all those phone calls and text messages you did. You moralize yourself to be the bad person in your life, and you don't have a meaning. Sounds familiar? Or if not, do you know someone who is like this?

Here's something to read for both of you.

 The person who does this, is usually somewhat depressed or really stressed out from work/relationship/something in his/hers life. That person really don't see those good things in life, even if he/she wants to.

There's always something in other persons life, that you can't know about. Respect it. (Tweet it) 

 That person also don't necessary notice his/hers acting and for that reason acts like an .. well, you know.

When reading this, if you can identify yourself, maybe you should stop for a while, just take some deep breaths and consider changing your way of life.

Because, alcohol really isn't the answer to your problems. More like probably making some new ones on the way.
When drinking even one beer, your body goes in to certain kind of mode, and just a one night sleep doesn't really fix it. It takes couple of nights to get your body back to normal mode after just one beer.
Don't believe me? Try it. Be sober for a week, and then tell me are you..
..thinking more of what ever you are doing
..smiling more
..waking up easier
..more productive than earlier
..less anxious about things you normally would have been really stressed out

I can tell this, because I've been there the worst way. I'm not saying I have totally left alcohol out of my life, but I have decreased it a lot because I saw what it did to me.
I'm not as much tired as I used to be, I have more power to do my work and I feel healthier. And if you feel healthier, it totally helps you to be more positive in life. And think about those positive things and do all those lists and act more kind to people - and TO YOURSELF.
One of the best things I noticed, was that I was "losing" all those friends who wasted their life only to party and drink. We're adulds, so I personally think that we should be able to see our friends without some kind of excuse, just to say hi. But, as I was losing those who didn't want to see me without drinking, I was getting new friends who appreciated my new lifestyle. And I'm so much happier now.

Are you the friend who gets those calls? What ever you do, don't remind that broken person about those calls or texts. It only takes him/her deeper in mud because he/she is already hating himself about those, and your not helping when bringing those back to table.
What you can do, you can be a friend. Call or text for some other reason. Ask to go out for a movie, cup of coffee, to shopping.. Anything that could cheer up your friends mind.
On weekends, ask your friend to come to eat or do something fun without alcohol.
The first couple of months at least, don't talk about the alcohol issue. Because probably your friend is going to go on denial, and never answer your phone calls again and he/she is back in mud.. I know this sounds hard friendship, but trust me, that person will thank you for saving his/hers life.

Your friends isn't an a-hole on purpose. He/She doesn't just see the better life yet. Show it to him/her.

So this came out a bit long post, and I just wrote from my heart but I hope that I reached even one person with this.
If you have a problem, it's time to change.
If you have a friend with an issue, help him.

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1 comment:

  1. This is so true! Most people think the only way you can have fun is to be high or intoxicated! I want to live in the moment and remember the great times, not reminisce in a foggy haze.


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