
What makes you negative?

When you're trying to make your life more positive, try to think about those things that makes it negative.

So for example, there's a friend you see weekly or read his/hers posts on Facebook, chat with him/her and every time he/she gets you upset. No matter what you try to say, everything is a "No." for him/her and he/she always finds a way to say something negative.
These guys usually are those friends of Facebook etc who only post negative comments on anyones status.
Ditch them. Or if you can't/won't totally throw them away from your life, at least hide them from your feed. Stop calling them, they usually get the point.

You really don't need those guys in your life! If they have nothing nice ever say to you, don't be with them! And usually these same guys are the ones who only call you when they need something, do you really want to be that guy who always gets called when money/favor are needed?

And, this really culminates to this.. BE POSITIVE. Why? Let me show you thru a picture.

So. Let's begin with that negative attitude of yours in upper left corner. You are negative, you attract negative people. And a human being is going to be just like his surrounding people are..
Try to be that positive person without changing anything else. Don't change your friends or anything, just be positive. Pretty tough, hu? Yes, I know. I tried.
The truth is, that if everyone who is surrounding you, is negative, you will be too. You can't escape it, if you won't change anything. 

BUT. When you are surrounded with positive people, you can be positive and you will encourage others on what they do! Well isn't that nice? Again; positive things happen to positive people. And thats straight way up.

Didn't yet delete that really negative person from Facebook? Do it now. Start your new positive life, step by step. Not sure about some of the people? Just hide them from your news feed.

It's kind of a small step, but it's something. If you dare, you can 'delete' some of those negative persons from your normal life too, like deleting numbers or just decide "I'm not going to call him/her, until he/she changes his/her attitude."

Simply clever! I can admit, that within first weeks I didn't delete anyones number. I just deleted couple of "who's this?" guys from Facebook and hid those negative persons.

It didn't take more than one day that I felt huge relief because I didn't need to look at those "boohoo my life sucks" statuses! I really, really, really recommend this for all of you.

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