
Seeing old friend

Have you seen that old pics -challenge in Facebook? That one where you should dig out some pictures from 15 years back.

I'm not saying you should do it (I didn't actually), but I would strongly suggest you to find those old pictures just to watch and see.

I do this about once a year, I just look at old photos where I  am with friends and family. Those are just heartwarming!

But there's another catch. How many of those people you don't see anymore? You used to be besties, and now you haven't seen in like ten years?

Maybe it would be a good time to give your friend a call just to ask how is he/she doing?
If you don't have a phone number, you probably can find it from call service, or try to find that friend from Facebook/Twitter.. I'm pretty sure you could find that person somehow.

Just hearing an old friends voice is a great thing but if you actually can manage to see each other.. Wow! That would be just great, wouldn't it?

What you got to lose? You can see a long term friend, find out how he/she is, you get to socialize yourself and talk to someone who probably is really interested to hear how are you doing.
You'll be surprised to hear how much good you have in your life when you talk about them aloud.
And when you talk about them - someone is really interested and hopes good for you, you'll get a new boost to do what you love.

Like me, when I'm writing. There is moments when this feels more of work than a hobby, but when new people see my blog and my writings, or I talk about them to my old friends, they are thrilled about this and tells me that I do a wonderful job. And I get a new boost to write more and more and more.

Today, as I post this, it's saturday. You probably have plenty of time to take that call.
There's no downside. Just do it.

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